
Our Company
Precision Mechanical Services, LLC is a privately owned, full service, union, mechanical contractor. We provide a wide range of services to industrial, commercial and institutional clients throughout the Philadelphia region. Because of our commitment to service, our dedication to safety and our relentless standard of excellence, Precision Mechanical has been
called upon by some the most well respected organizations in the Philadelphia area.
As an organization, Precision Mechanical is dedicated to a three pronged ideology. First, and foremost, is our commitment to customer service. Whether your company's particular needs are HVAC, Industrial refrigeration, heating, construction or piping our purpose is service. Safe, efficient service is the principal on which this company was founded. Next, Precision employs rigorous maintenance of mechanical industry standards. We accomplish this by employing only union trained, OSHA
certified mechanics. Every person in this company, including ownership, is held to these high standards. Lastly, as an organization we believe in the moral obligation of the corporation to create a healthy rewarding environment for our employees and to contribute to the community in which we operate. Precision meets this goal by creating safe working environments
on every project site. Employees and clients know that Precision Mechanical Services will never take short cuts to increase profits.
Our corporate philosophy is layered so that each supports the other and strengthens the organization as a whole which ultimately enables us to best serve our clients. These are not theories. We live by the principals of hard work, honesty and unselfish behavior in all aspects of our company as well as our personal lives. We strive to personally set a positive example each day with every single interaction. These simple principles are the guide by which Precision Mechanical Services functions as an organization.

We care about long-term personal relationships with our clients. Contact us so we can begin ours.